August 1, 2008, Newsletter Issue #182: Herbal Remedies for Sleep Disorders

Tip of the Week

Some people benefit from holistic or herbal remedies for sleeping disorders. Always check with your doctor before taking herbal or over-the-counter treatments at home. Here are some herbs on the market that claim to be a sleep disorder remedy for problems such as insomnia.

- Herbal teas, infusions and baths can all help with insomnia.

- Mellodyn - a natural supplement that helps you fall asleep fast and stay asleep through the night by working with your body's own sleep-wake cycles to achieve natural sleep patterns.

Passionflower - calming and sleep inducing, relieves pain, and muscular spasms. It is useful for the treatment of general insomnia, insomnia in asthmatics, hysteria, cramps, and nerve pain.

Chamomile - promotes well-being. It's good for the digestion, is relaxing and generally soothing. A cup of chamomile tea before bedtime is an excellent way to encourage sleep If you have a history of allergies, however, especially to plants such as ragweed, you shouldn't use chamomile.

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